Worry about health?

If you are 30+ and have faced any symptoms related to health, chances are you got worried. You are not alone. As we age, we worry to a certain degree, about our health, immunity and ageing and it is only natural. Required even, so that you change your lifestyle to a healthy one.
Some of us, however, worry more than others. Obsess what each symptom might mean. As we tend to look for the worst possible disease for any given symptom and the information access we have over the internet can change our curiosity to paranoia. While being cautious is important, avoiding obsession is imperative for our own well-being. Easily said than done.
How not to excessively worry about health?
By taking care of yourself. If you have an unhealthy lifestyle, you probably are working toward changing it. And we all know a healthy lifestyle includes healthy eating, eating in small portions 5-6 times a day, getting a goodnight’s sleep, exercising daily, adding breathing and relaxing exercises, reducing caffeine, avoiding alcohol and nicotine, drinking enough water, intake of low fat and moderately salty foods, and so on. While we have a long list of things, we can do to stay healthy, many of us find it difficult to commit to healthy lifestyles. There are way too many things to take care of and very less time. Hence our health becomes the victim. But we all know sooner or later we pay the price. So why wait? Start today.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle
When you start on a journey of a healthy lifestyle, and you make changes, just make sure the things you change are easy to follow. Change one thing at a time, be it diet, workout, quitting a habit etc. Make it simple. For instance, bring in a diet plan that is easy to manage, and takes less amount to cook. In case of adding physical activity, maybe walk for a couple of minutes every waking hour or split 30 minutes of exercise into three times 10-minute workouts, if it is really hard to find the time. Try different things and set up a routine that will work for you.
And remember, go through routine health check-ups including tests that check for ailments that your family has a history of, after seeking a physician’s advice.
In case you find yourself extremely anxious about your health, consumed by worries over every symptom, such that it interferes with your daily life, seek help from a professional. Treatment often involves talk therapy, which helps you manage and move past your worries.
Add a pinch of happiness
Happiness is overrated because no one is always happy. As human beings, we experience different emotions and happiness is just one of them. However, the chemicals that get released when you feel this emotion can improve your health. And for that, you don’t need to win a lottery or upgrade to the latest iPhone each time. In fact, studies show the people who are healthy way into their old age are those who spent time bonding with people that they are surrounded by. Remember the feeling you get when you cuddle your toddler or partner? The content and joy you feel are a result of a hormone called oxytocin, that gets released when you cuddle. Feel-good hormones like oxytocin promote growth and healing. So do not forget to add time to your schedule for your loved ones as it benefits both your loved ones and you, in more ways than you know.
Remember, your health is second to nothing. It is important to manage it today and every day after. Set realistic goals and work on creating a healthy lifestyle one day at a time.